Meetings & Events

 Host Your Successful Meeting with Us

Host successful business meetings and events at Las Suites Campos Eliseos hotel in the vibrant Polanco neighborhood of Mexico City. Our luxury hotel features two spacious and well-equipped meeting rooms, perfect for gatherings of 5 to 25 people. Enhance your meetings with our coffee break service, and indulge in on-site dinners for a seamless event experience.

Our dedicated sales agents are available to assist you with all the details, from cost estimation to reservations, ensuring a smooth planning process. Take advantage of our expertise in planning off-site group outings, recreational activities, and teambuilding excursions in Mexico City. Additionally, enjoy exclusive group rates on room blocks for your event attendees staying at our hotel.


Meetings at Las Suites Campos Eliseos in Mexico City

Winne Room

The Wine Room at Las Suites Campos Eliseos provides an intimate setting for smaller business events, spanning 48 m2 / 516.66 ft2 of space.

Meeting Room

Our largest venue, the Principal Meeting Room provides 80 m2 / 861.11 ft2 of space.

Events at Las Suites Campos Eliseos in Mexico City
Meetings at Las Suites Campos Eliseos in Mexico City